Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where Can U Buy Frito Lay Seeds

Silent Night, Deadly Night - 1984 (F) Silent Night, Deadly Night

-Grandfathers mentally ill fuck the bitch have a seam in Y that appears in their face when they speak of Father Christmas.
-Father Christmas, when robbing a convenience store clerks who like overkill does not believe in the magic of Christmas.
-Mothers superior calissent them your opinion.
-Fesser as a cellar on a keyboard is not enough to make a Christmas toune.
-makers of toy stores fall easily committed in love with their first look upwards.
-At parties the staff of toy store, do not sing the same Christmas toune that playing in the speakers.
-flashbacks, it looks hot.
-Santa Claus is not able to aim with an ax.
-Christmas music prevents young blond to perform sexually.
-Call her cat breasts to the air deserves punishment according to Father Christmas.
-Sledding deserves to be beheaded by father Christmas.
-The police are never sure to have the right suspect before shooting because it's Christmas.


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