Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Get Coins On Club Nintendo

Funeral Party, The Golden Age of Knowhere (2011)

they are portrayed as the "California Strokes" or as "the next big thing of the moment". No doubt many groups before them have been entitled to these flattering adjectives. And that's the problem: because of crying wolf, we do not know quite what you are dealing. Behind these flattering nicknames, what about the Funeral Party : marketing operation or true musical revelation?

Formed around Chad Elliott, the California group first sign at Fearless Records, a subsidiary of Warner. But strife broke out when the label is trying to direct their music to the pop / punk, more likely and more profitable. Took them very badly, since it is Sony finally takes all by signing the band for a debut album in 2011: " The Golden Age of Knowhere . Clichés to Blink 182, Funeral Party delivers a snarling rock album and unadorned. Their rage is felt both in the frantic guitars in the raging voice of Chad, who does not hesitate to spew his guts to detonate the pieces, how to At The Drive-In (Ironically, they had just signed to Fearless Records).

With " NYC Moves To The Sound Of THE . "formation attack with a wave of sounds steep, one begins to input a slap. Bass catchy melody and a catchy give speed to " Cars Wars," while the rawness and visceral " Final " makes probably the most successful song on the album . If "Where Did It Go Wrong "Is worse, it is better to start than with the aggressive" Just Because "and dancing" Postcards of Persuasion. " Among the most successful titles include also the ferocious " Youth And Poverty."

Funeral Party therefore produces unbridled rock in the tradition of that of New Yorkers The Rapture . But their potential may well be obvious and evident on songs like "Final ", the album is still not without some flaws. The Main is a feeling of repetition, particularly noticeable on "Giant Song" and "In Silhouette City." Indeed, past the third track, little pieces in the middle of the beginning of the album (3 potential tubes). It is also unfortunate that the final title (and namesake) lack of panache, to ensure an exit worthy of the name to Funeral Party.
It remains a sense of unfinished business: to pretty much, " The Golden Age of Knowhere " could be very good. No worries though, because before the energy that animates this debut, there is no doubt not as yet have Funeral Party under the foot. A charge of retaliation.

Frank A.


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