made famous by the song " Where Is My Mind? "in the soundtrack for Fight Club (the famous final scene where everything explodes while Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter are side by side) is unfortunately often just what the novice knows this great band. Let us give to Caesar what belongs to him and Let 's talk in context.
The Pixies can claim to act as figurehead of alternative rock. Their formation in 1986, in years often regarded as sterile, with a rock that looks after the punk seems to be a timing error. Certainly, the decade has its share of artists who are worth the detour ( INXS, Sonic Youth , REM, Violent Femmes , Gang of Four , Mudhoney, The Fall , Orange Juice ...). But how many can claim an influence comparable to that of the Pixies?

After a few rehearsals in the garage of David, the new line-up released a good debut EP Come On Pilgrim in 1987. " Caribou " Black Francis erected as a master in his discipline, as capable of a voice that calmed a falsetto tone angry and bitter. "Nimrod's Son " illustrates his obsession for unfailing biblical themes, while "The Holiday Song " discusses masturbation.
In 1988, a bomb detonates in a rock desolate landscape. Surfer Rosa is

What emerges above all Surfer Rosa is the alternation between quiet verses and choruses unbridled style little or not operated at the time that we recognize their paternity, and who will become the trademark group.

"Debaser " introduces the album in between the aggressiveness of Black to the gentle songs of Kim-cons. "Wave of Mutilation " is full of charm elusive, and conveys an almost palpable emotion. This theme of suffering, often operated by Black, also appears in "I Bleed . Very danceable pop nugget taking the refrain, "Here Comes Your Man " is the opposite. " Dead" plays on the sudden change of pace, " Monkey Gone To Heaven ", another well known piece of the Pixies, speaks of world destruction by man. More than Surfer Rosa everything is well done and well constructed in this album, and songs like "There Goes My Gun " attest. It concludes with "Silver " moving duet between Black and Kim, and "Gouge Away " fine example of genius rebel group.
Everything seems to be going well, but tensions arise between Francis and Kim. The first is quite methodical and serious, while the second is beset with problems of drugs and alcohol. For some concerts, she arrives late, for others it is no longer standing. Pixies Announce logically pause, during which each will go about their business. Kim then will reconnect with his childhood band, the Breeders (which includes a member of Throwing Muses), to release a debut album, Pod .
After this break, the group meets for a new album in 1990, Bossanova . Accordingly

Evolution: the songs that characterized bestial Surfer Rosa and Doolittle here are virtually absent, except for "Rock Music "And his words incomprehensible (" Your Mouth's A Mile Away ). But the group took the opportunity to concoct melodies and funky riffs, like on " Ana" and her haunting guitar line. The bass did a great job on " Is She Weird , and the battery gives full plume" Down to the Well . " The Happening" is blowing: the voltage air never seems to stop, but it is suddenly broken when Black changed his tone (but how is it?) to pronounce "Beneath the sky ... . Let's talk again " Hang Wire" successful alternating between rage and lull in the song Black and " Havalina " which concludes Bossanova very melodious.
With the tour that followed, tensions between Kim and Black remain. There is even talk of an impending separation of the group. It was not counting the production, which, for better or for worse, managed to convince them to work together one last time. One might have feared that this was the famous album too, which confirms the death of the inspiration of a group. Yet beneath their pointed hats, our elves hid a few surprises. Rumors claimed that the musical style of the Pixies had evolved into heavy metal. If

The influence of Pixies will resonate with many musicians, first and foremost there is Kurt Cobain, an admirer of Surfer Rosa and admits readily that his "

Black Francis began a successful career under the pseudonym Frank Black, listen for example, " You Is not Me" or " Headache. Kim Deal will continue on her adventure she had begun with the Breeders, notably in 1993 and released the hit album Last Splash , which contains the songs " Cannonball" and "Divine Hammer . To date, she still officiates.
The prospect of a new Pixies album is currently not on the agenda. However, Kim and Charles never lost the desire to make music. The Pixies have many beautiful things, and they have never been as much as when these two were able to agree. We would have liked to see this synergy work again for one last wonder ...
Frank A.
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