COLD WAR KIDS: Mine Is Yours
Cold War Kids is my sense of current groups with one of the strongest personalities of sound. Almost faultless on the first two albums aggressive, pure, inspired and original, ranging in influences from blues revisited at the Jack White and powerful rock of Kings of Leon at their glorious beginnings, so far away now. After Robbers & Cowards (2006) and Loyalty to Loyalty , I must say that the third album by Californian was therefore a natural part of me rock out expected in 2011. So with that in unmeasured enthusiasm I threw myself in listening This third album Mine is Yours . And that's where the nightmare begins ... From the first notes of the first song gives the album its title, it stinks for the tube stage with languid woooOOOoohhwOOOooohhh introduced. That does not bode well ... Certainly, often it bearable, but the voice of Nathan Willett has lost his strength, his rage, his guts, his neck ..... in favor of a nice bright pop voice that multiplies the theatrics in the treble, lacking aggression (eg compare Bulldozer on this album We Used To Vacation or Hang Me Up To Dry on their first album) and made up of texts silly ("I can feel your arms around me, hold me closer, hold me tightly," thank you's guys ...). There is much more new, sought after, we are served as appetizer for the album of a group usually a piece inspired model easy, predictable. You almost want to introduce the song with a "écoooute is on NRJ", as it would for the latest Maroon 5, as was done for Use Somebody Kings of Leon the once brilliant too ...

I do not say so using the comparison since reading the first reviews of this album, I learn that CWK are committed to this album the producer of these Kings of Leon, with the same that they will for some years now to become more "mainstream". Such clarity in terms speaks for itself and I would discourage almost hear the rest of the album. Same intention, same result (I wish I could say the same punishment). Each piece is a new disappointment when we remember pieces raw, authentic and powerful as the huge We Used To Vacation , the furious Hang Me Up To Dry , the striking Something Is Not Right With Me , Hair Down , Passing The Hat , and j 'in the process. So much talent, personality, soul sacrificed on the altar of popularity and the general public. In trying too hard to please, the Cold War Kids are on this album is guilty of having reduced their character, their traits to have smooth, even giving the impression of failing to seek, you activate the autopilot. They wanted with this album to fulfill stadiums, personally I would have preferred they preserve and enrich their particular style, even stick to good old shabby but well-filled rooms of an informed public and a connoisseur rather than giving the good old formula guitars + stuffed voice echo / chorus pop pissing heady, but certainly nice real interest, without genius ... Again the analogy with the last KoL is striking.

Let all the same finding in this mud inform one or two pieces of bravery that could save everything. Admittedly, the dark stew of introduction does not provide good to listen objectively the rest ... My indulgence is heading towards the particular song (I took some time to fill in the blank what was this part of the article) Cold Toes On The Cold Floor presenting the relics, the remains of the smoldering these talented Californians. One could also cite Sensitive Kid the least bad ... makes you realize that very often the intro is catchy and rather successful ( Unless Mine Is Yours where for once the color is really announced at the outset), and it is that then we have almost the right to own property of ColdPlay ...
What about when Californians after the Cold War Kids album? If we stay there, it is a group with little interest in music other than that of putting a ready-made tunes in the head, filling stadiums and lighters to light (witness the unbearable Skip The Charades ) ... Personally, I prefer to escape the pain, tell me, after all, despite its share of turds all is not so bad in this record and remember above all, for the sake of intellectual hygiene, what they are able to produce large before. I can only urge you to do the same ...
Mr. Lucas
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