Group formed in 2000 in Atlanta, the Black Lips to define themselves and not without some modesty as unique re sentatives a genre of their own creation: Flower Punk. Understand that the Black Lips produce music combining a song strangely violent and heavily marked or garage punk tunes and accompaniments often more influenced by rock and psychedelic pop of the '60s and flower power. So difficult, I tell you, to believe that such a group has have happened so late, especially taking into account the quality of the recording seems (deliberately one imagines) just worthy of a lambda group of the sixties. Still retaining the sound quality and intentionally infects ancient in the way it sounded, the Black Lips we offer several types of songs all taking the faithful reinterpretation of the classics of the genre from 1960 to the early seventies. A very instrumental Beatles / Byrd s / Kinks / Animals like I'll Be With You or Dirty Hands (which are indeed quite scandalously based on the same three agreements) accompanies a singer with the voice of London hoodlum who is reminiscent of Mick Jaegger the London Years. Other titles like Hippie Hippie Hoorah will refer to a period a little later by using sounds that we think will do more in Woodstock at the Cavern Club). Others borrow from Keith Richards (on everybody's doin it or take me home back to boone ) Jimmy Page and others (listen Body Combat ) of guitars, a voice is still very similar narrative and disturbed to that of Jim Morrison on Trapped In A Basement example (in months can be depressing). The group has written three albums, mixing all my three punk, garage and psychedelic without being able to really say which is more rock, more punk or more psyche than others. The only notable difference is probably the recording quality is improving slightly over the album, Let It Bloom (with it already can not make more revival, with reference to the legendary Let It Be and Let It Bleed Torque enemy Beatles / Stones) to 200 Million Thousands may be more deeply rooted in the years gone by when the recording quality is improving so quickly. Maybe they have also realized that this desire, understandable and interesting background, sounding vintage sometimes pushed their music on some songs to the limit of frankly disgusting.

One thing Im Exposure: contrary to what they say, the Black Lips have invented anything in music. If they are indeed content to resume what had been done better at one times the most lavish for music and rock, if not the most luxurious, they must recognize the merit of having actually done well. There is nothing revolutionary, but it is tasteful aggressive and powerful, disturbing (maybe even disturbed) and must admit that this choice of gives the whole archaic records a certain charm and a certain nostalgia for then they try and succeed to imitate. We could find such a company somewhat vain, even annoying, even without wishing at all costs "progress for progress" to make the current make today. Personally, I do not mind if, as in the case of Black Lips, it's well made with excellent qualifications and very little waste (especially on first and third albums which are the only ones I listened , the second being inadvertently passed to the door), just as authentic as if they had forty or fifty years older. In addition, I must add that I'd much rather see and listen to such a group of representatives of groups swarming anarchic electro-pop-rock often seemed able in every way to each other painfully trying to keep afloat in the various stock Grebe and independent rock since the early 2000s. Note that this group in live performances he seems to say the least rough and rich a fourth album released this year. So do not expect a revolution or a disc is absolutely essential, but at least an album well done, definitely rock and authentic.

RODEO MASSACRE: If You Can not Smoke'em Sell'em
Hailing from Sweden, for their part, the Rodeo Massacre also involved in this will rekindle old fires , to pay homage the larger half of this century. This time with a woman at the warm and powerful voice (which incidentally will not come to break the traditional view that we on this side of the Baltic our Swedish friends and the wider Scandinavian), rhythms supported, the guitars sometimes furious, sometimes haunting and effective and powerful choruses, the reference to Jefferson Airplane blindingly obvious. And again, the result is rather pleasant. If the influence is to JA is indeed obvious, we can not honestly say that the music of this group on behalf of the taste unfortunately not as sure his music is limited to a pale imitation, a vulgar plagiarism of the latter. There are many contributions, and other reconstructions reconstructions from the Swedes. It could for example enjoy the unusual presence in the register of solos of flute, harmonica (hear example Zombies of Life ) or trumpet ( Desert Man ) that enrich the atmosphere of a form of euphoria, may be madness, sometimes as dementia at the end of the song Desert Man and the rhythm of the galloping drums and guitars, us through the great plains west of the New World. It will also show structures come directly from the original Blues ( I've Got A Big Foot Now ) On their debut album If You Can not Smoke'em Sell'em , released in early February 2011, it has the right to a recital of psychedelic rock and pop dasn rules of art, sometimes even approaching intros significantly from those of the Doors (including Turning Wheel ). Sweeping influences undertaken by Rodeo Massacre is still wide but coherent without lapsing into accumulation, with an album that, given the atmosphere where it takes us, form the soundtrack to a Tarantino (especially the song Desert Man ). One is forced to recognize the quality of this album and the group that has given rise, whether you are a reactionary nostalgia for the seventies or a youngster just ignorant and naive (or between).
This is another example of classic revisited with gusto, ostensibly revival group without being vain, that does not give rise to criticism from alumni and purists, or indifference or disdain of the most progressive.
So in a gamble that had launched the Black Lips and Rodeo Massacre, as others have done and will do after them, by choosing this way of revisiting classics . If the company can often seem devoid of great interest, that concern was quickly dissipated in the case of these two groups in this new century with a sound personality, technical quality and creativity that can seduce.
Mr. Lucas
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