Down The Way opens with a crescendo of electric guitar followed by a mixture of piano, drums and violins, " Hold On" sets the tone, the emotion is there and the voices of Julia is poignant. An infallible mastery of different instruments, including a string ensemble, which reveals a surprisingly professional for a second album. This piece is a paradox in itself: the duo seems to control everything to perfection, while the single vision out concerts of these two phenomena inevitably gives us a show in itself, as they appear elsewhere and totally overwhelmed by their success ( Special mention to Angus I invite you to see the interview aired in Taratata , it's worth it!).
Suit then " Black Crow," in which Angus and voices enter. This can be the first time (and not last) album enjoy the incredible complicity of the two brothers, whose voices blend perfectly. It's amazing how those two are complementary (not surprising for brother and sister tell me you). We see elsewhere in the interview above how a simple glance is enough for them to communicate.
The third title, " For You "is a song written by Julia for her ex: in this family group, everyone has a place to tell their own stories, thus enhancing the authenticity a bit more room on the album. And saw the result, why not? A minimalist intro, the duo does not bother unwanted effects: each note has its place. It smells of home recording, set snugly in the middle of the show. The album is also self-produced, everything is explained.
sentimental After this passage, here is the single that is the current spokesperson for Angus and Julia in France: "Big Jet Plane . Once moreover, it is the perfect balance between the different elements, voices and instruments, stands out. The words seem to warn us of the journey that is full album ("Gonna Take You Away from Home").
The following two titles, "Santa Monica Dream" and "Yellow Brick Road ", highlight the duo's ability to do a lot with not much: a single guitar to accompany their voices and a result always so endearing. In the second part of the long "Yellow Brick Road , we find that when the guitar is electric, it's another atmosphere that emerges but remains just as enjoyable.
The seventh song is still a tube. "And The Boys " is much less noise than the rest of the album, and even presents for the first time a few passages of synthesizer. Evidence that despite their taste for acoustics, Stone are quite capable of producing in a full group. And this idea is strongly reinforced by the following, "On The Road " banjo intro before the entrance of the drums and guitar, which takes us in a direction quite different from that of the first part of album : The song is catchy, and the duo away from his usual style to venture into a Country happier.
"Walk It Off " marks the return of the violins, just as properly managed, which give the magnitude and energy to this walk, even if the end shows how the voice of Julia can only take the listener in the gut. A group resolutely pop / folk, sometimes slightly country: it only needed the harmonica. The affront is washed with " Hush," and if this instrument can in my opinion quickly become annoying, the two brothers know how to use it sparingly, which is to their credit.
The album continues with no surprises "Draw Your Swords " and "I'm Not Yours ": no nonsense, Angus and Julia do what they do but do it well. We feel they have built a style, certainly not really new, but their perfect match. It is true that pop duo / acoustic folk essentially, who composes sentimental ballads often autobiographical, it's not really an invention. But that's exactly what they needed, and sincerity that put the Stones in their music is the key that puts top-seller today.
Note that the end of "Draw Your Swords " presents a rare moment: Angus gets mad! But again, it fits him well.
The album ends with the touching "The Devil's Tears " which leaves us with an impression that summarizes the album perfectly: the emotion, romance, sometimes the feeling of being cut off from world, but above all a sense of healing, wholeness. This album was a real therapy for the duo and the listener. One way to externalize all their deep emotions, and describe their moments of their life at heart. For the listener, is a particularly pleasant to spend a means of escape without leaving home.
For those tempted by the journey, Angus & Julia Stone will be on December 2 next to the aircraft for a concert that promises to be spellbinding!
Vincent M.
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