Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pioneer Shallow Mountamplifier

that Boileau

Much more amiable than Boileau reproached with acidity Viau the last verses of Thisbe (Ah, here's the dagger that the blood of his master-was stained loose, he flushed the traitor), Catherine Robert's Terrace has been it is sensitive to the writing of Theophile and his interpreters. The end "stabbing" is described as "poignant". Happy development: we blush!

Criticism /
the tragic love of Pyramus and Thisbe

Benjamin Lazar depicts the tragic love of Pyramus and Thisbe, Theophile de Viau. A show in the manner of Grand Century that combines elegance and beauty of dramatic effects.

must recognize that the true bias requirement is that of Benjamin Lazar and his companions defeated the outset the eye and ear. The director and designer of the art of play that mimics the habits of the classic scene scenic readily admits: its so ready to smile as the first contemporary crushes speak French now that these young artists dare resurrect the complexity and the original form of his diction. But we soon please understand what we mean and admire the strength suggestive gestures that appeared first hieratic and mannered. Language becomes an object to be theatrical and restored in the richness of rhyme and rhythm: each syllable, even better, as each phoneme is essential to note melody became a speech. Heightening the beauty of the poetry of Theophile de Viau, the actors make their art and its aesthetic virtue first and goldsmiths are specific to this project which focuses the company for several shows to return each time a "language event .

intelligence and sensitivity

Lit by candlelight, the scene offers chiaroscuros carve the flesh and play with the precious beauty of the costumes. The gold and black color tables all most elegant one than the others, moving between secret rendezvous with the lads brilliant moments of anger of a tyrannical monarch who confuses his desire and the law. The form of elaborate staging and play, far from crushing the bottom and lessen the plot, instead the door to its maximum intensity, particularly in the scene of remorse of the mother of Thisbe who understands it too late to protect love his daughter, and in the final scene where, one after another, Pyramus and Thisbe stabbing himself for losing one's "soul" and the other his "heart." The show of passion is rarely shown so poignant and beautiful as do Benjamin Lazar and Louise Moaty who sing the beauty of the poetry of Theophile de Viau with amazing and exciting talent. All the actors are of precision and accuracy of all rare and composes a scene which we must praise not only intelligence but also the wonderful feeling. Remarkable tribute to the seventeenth century who knew, perhaps better than any other, combine these two qualities have to constantly examine their reports ...

Catherine Robert
the tragic love of Pyramus and Thisbe, Theophile de Viau; staging of Benjamin Lazar. May 27 to June 12, 2010. Tuesday at 19h, Wednesday through Saturday at 20h. Exceptional mornings June 6 to June 12 and 16h to 15h. Athénée Théâtre Louis-Jouvet, square de l'Opéra Louis-Jouvet, 7 rue Boudreau, 75009 Paris. To book call 01 53 05 19 19. Duration: 1h45.



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