Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Make Someone Fall Asleep Pressure Points

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog.

Since I was born, I am different from other children, I am autistic. My biggest problem is language, I still can not decode it. My attention is very difficult to obtain, my doctor suspected that I might as deficit disorder of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

I attended the daycare since I was one year. But in recent months, there are days or mom took me to occupational therapy and stimulation through play

Since I'm autistic, I should join the school in September 2011, I will have to 4 years time. In the meantime, Mom and Dad are focusing their energies so that I can understand the language and use it to communicate.

My parents have a goal to enroll in a specialized school to maximize my potential and then walk to school. This special school uses the Program Trampoline, Maurice and Tillie Wolfe . If you want to know more about this program, I included a link to a short description under Links of Interest my page.

order to help my parents to achieve their goal, my grandpa Yvon has launched the project A healthy walk to benefit Zoe Turcot . For more information about this project, see to the right of this page.

Over the months, I will keep you informed of my learning, so please come back to read me from time to time.


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