following the fall approaching, and his tragic fall leaves and lovers.
Thisbe, before the body of Pyramus, compares his death to the trees in winter:
"Once every year we see you die
Once every year we see you flourish
But my Pyramus died without hope From these returns it
pale manors where his spirit resides. "
Yet this season, nearly 25 times that Pyramus and Thisbe reborn to kill themselves better, but not without words, and their fathers, mothers, King and confidants, some of the most beautiful verses of the theater of the seventeenth century. The creation of the theater from Caen to resume at the Athénée-Louis Jouvet, you will find below the dates of the new creation of the Theatre Company of incredulous
the tragic love of Pyramus and Thisbe
Theophile de Viau
preceded the Farce of Bossus
Distribution: Lorenzo Charoy, Julien Cigana, Benjamin Lazar, Anne-Guersande Ledoux Louise Moaty, Alexandra Rübner, Nicolas Vial
artistic collaboration: Louise Moaty, scenography: Adeline Caron, suits: Alain Blanchot Lights: Christopher Naillet, makeup: Mathilde Benmoussa Economy Romain Juhel, stage manager: Patrick Naillet
The Farce of Bossus is from the amazing collection Tabarin, one of the only evidence of the popular theater of early seventeenth-century French, published in the same early 1620s as part Theophile. Tabarin was a famous magician of the Pont-Neuf and the Place Dauphine, selling, with his brother, infallible remedies and attracting customers through dialogues and jokes. One of his competitors was Grattelard, main character in the farce of Bossus where he is engaged with a hunchback, as the cat Steve Waring, stubbornly refuses to be drowned ...
More information about these tragic and comic events in the coming days.
- 19 (creation), 20 and 21 October 2009 at 20h - Theatre de Caen (14) spec = 247 & type = 5
- October 23, 2009 at 20:30 - Theatre du Casino in Deauville (14)
- November 9 at 20:30 and November 10, 2009 at 19:30 - Little Theatre House of Culture in Amiens (80)
- November 12, 2009 at 20h - Castle Theatre in Eu (76)
- November 19, 2009 - The Commander (Scenes of Jura) Dole (39)
- November 25, 2009 at 20h - Theatre Charles Dullin in Chambery (73)
- December 17, 2009 at 20h - Musical Theatre of Besançon (25)
http://www.letheatre-besancon. com /
- May 27 to June 12, 2010 (Tuesday to 19 pm Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday at 20h, 16h Sunday, Saturday, June 12 special meeting at 15h)-Athenaeum Theatre Louis Jouvet in Paris (75009) Sole date
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