News from the Health On May 18, 2010 Photos
walking Last Sunday, about sixty of my friends came to walk and allowed my grandpa Yvon raise some money to give me care. We left the parking lot of a McDonald's next to the Verdun Auditorium and we walked along the long edge of the water to go to a park where there were rapids.
After the walk, friends of my grandfather, Richard In Pure Delight, Christian Market Tondreau of Food and Marc Bellemare, and several of my friends had organized a big party. My Grandma Claire received us at his house and we had a picnic. There was even a friend of mine named Anthony, Ikra Health Centre, which gave a massage in a chair for people who were tired of having walked 10 miles.
A friend of my dad told my grandpa that she understood why he had organized the march because to pay for care that I receive is like paying a mortgage on a house for $ 300,000.00. It's definitely too complicated for me to understand words like that but when I grow up I'll understand.
My parents told me that Grandpa had raised over $ 10,000.00 in organizing this activity and they had thanked all my friends who were there and all those who could not attend. Grandpa said that people can continue to donate to my health by sending check payable to Zoe Turcot at 1000 Rolland Street in Verdun, QC, H4H 2G2.
I invite you to see some photos
this wonderful day and soon, my friend and my friend Raymond Yvan preparing a short film, send me and I'll show you.
Thanks Grandpa for Yvon this great activity and invite other people to become my friends because I have plenty of room in my heart for them.
PS If you have pictures of the march, please send them to me here